Manfredi Castelli

Manfredi Castelli
Research Student
Manfredi attained an M.Eng in Biomedical Engineering from Imperial College London. During his Master’s, he worked in Professor Dario Farina’s lab on projecting muscle neural drive to a subspace orthogonal to motor behaviour for human motor augmentation. His work combined real-time decomposition of surface electrogram, multivariate multiple regression and principal component analysis.
During the summer of 2021, Manfredi was awarded the Cambridge University Amgen scholarship. As an Amgen scholar, he worked in Dr Julija Krupic’s lab on spatial learning in hippocampus and computational models.
Manfredi joined the Dupret Group as an MRC-funded D.Phil. student in October 2021 to study network-level processing of mnemonic information.
Head of Group