Dupret Group


Firing response of hippocampal CA1 principal cells during sharp-wave/ripple events in sleep. Top trace, wide-band (1H–5 kHz) local field potential recorded in the pyramidal cell layer. Bottom trace, 140–250 Hz band pass-filtered local field potential highlighting ripple frequency events. Raster plots, spike times of simultaneously recorded CA1 principal cells (one cell per row). Note the firing synchrony during ripple events.

Our laboratory studies how neural activity in the hippocampus and connected brain regions supports memory-guided behaviour, enabling individuals to draw from past experience how to respond to ever-changing life situations.

Group Science

The idea that groups of distributed neurons transiently coordinate their spiking activity to organize information-representing cell assemblies is central to our investigation. Our laboratory uses a transdisciplinary approach that combines multichannel electrophysiological recordings (tetrodes, silicon probes, and neuropixels) during behaviour with cell type-selective, neural input-defined and network pattern-informed (closed-loop) optogenetic manipulations of brain dynamics. The group performs neuronal population-level analyses to: (i) determine how internal representations of the external world are computed, consolidated, and recalled for the purpose of adaptative memory; (ii) establish the mnemonic contribution of oscillatory patterns of network activity (e.g., theta, gamma, sharp wave/ripples); and (iii) identify neuronal motifs and pathways supporting memory-guided behaviour. We perform this work while keeping in mind that not all memories serve adaptive responses. This is notably the case for memories that are related to experience of drugs of abuse, and those memories that underpin maladaptive responses. Accordingly, our work is intended to provide principles of interventions aimed at rebalancing brain network physiopathology of maladaptive memory.

Key Research Areas
  • In vivo study of brain networks for memory-guided behaviour

  • Mnemonic roles of neural ensembles and oscillations

Research Techniques
  • Multichannel recordings and associated data analyses

  • Cell-type-selective, neural-input-defined, and network-pattern-informed optogenetics

  • Memory-guided behaviour

Equality and Diversity

We are committed to fostering an inclusive work environment that celebrates diversity and promotes equal opportunity within our group and the wider MRC BNDU.

Selected Publications
Unit Publication
Clarke-Williams CJ
Lefèvre L
Rothaermel R
Hartwich K
2024. Cell, 187(2):409-427.
Unit Publication
Hartwich K
Bannerman DM
2022. Nat. Neurosci., 25(11):1481-1491.
Unit Publication
Lefèvre L
Trouche S
El-Gaby M
Schultz SR

2021. Nat Neurosci, 24(3):326-330.

Unit Publication
Reeve HM
Koolschijn RS
Shpektor A
Nili H
Rothaermel R
Campo-Urriza N
O'Reilly JX
Bannerman DM
Behrens TE
2020. Cell, 183(1):228-243.e21.
Datasets and resources

Like other Groups at the MRC BNDU, we are committed to best practice in open research.  We have created and curated a range of primary data, metadata and related resources that can be readily downloaded by external users from the MRC BNDU's Data Sharing Platform. We highlight below just a few examples of the datasets and other resources we have shared for the benefit of our stakeholders.

Gava GP, McHugh SB, Lefèvre L, Lopes-Dos-Santos V, Trouche S, El-Gaby M, Schultz SR, Dupret D
Topological analysis of hippocampal CA1 co-firing graphs
Quinn AJ, Lopes-Dos-Santos V, Nobre AC, Dupret D, Woolrich M
Instantaneous frequency profiles of theta cycles
Lopes-Dos-Santos V, van de Ven GM, Morley A, Trouche S, Campo-Urriza N, Dupret D
Analysis framework for the extraction of theta-nested spectral components
3D printable files for objects to use in mouse object recognition tasks
3D printable files for objects to use in mouse object recognition tasks