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Unit Publication
Herz DM
Bange M
Gonzalez-Escamilla G
Auer M
Ashkan K
Fischer P
Tan H
Bogacz R
Muthuraman M
Groppa S
Brown P

2022. Nat Commun, 13(1):7530.

Unit Publication
Salvatori T
Song Y
Xu Z
Lukasiewicz T
Bogacz R
In Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence‚ AAAI 2022 ‚Vancouver, BC, Canada, February 22--March 1‚ 2022 (Vol. 10177, pp. 507-524). AAAI Press.
Unit Publication
McNamara CG
Rothwell M
Sharott A

2022. Cell Rep, 41(6):111616.

Unit Publication
McHugh SB
Lopes-Dos-Santos V
Gava GP
Hartwich K
Bannerman DM
Dupret D
2022. Nat. Neurosci., 25(11):1481-1491.
Unit Publication
van Rheede JJ
Feldmann LK
Busch JL
Fleming JE
Mathiopoulou V
Denison T
Sharott A
Kühn AA

2022. NPJ Parkinsons Dis, 8(1):88.

Unit Publication
Zamora M
Toth R
Morgante F
Ottaway J
Gillbe T
Martin S
Lamb G
Noone T
Benjaber M
Nairac Z
Sehgal D
Constandinou TG
Herron J
Aziz TZ
Gillbe I
Green AL
Pereira EA
Denison T

2022. Exp Neurol, 351:113977.

Unit Publication
Patai EZ
Foltynie T
Limousin P
Akram H
Zrinzo L
Bogacz R
Litvak V

2022. J Neurosci, 42(23):4681-4692.

Unit Publication
Möller M
Manohar S
Bogacz R

2022. PLoS Comput Biol, 18(5)e1009816.

Unit Publication
Fleming JE
Kremen V
Gilron R
Gregg NM
Zamora M
Dijk DJ
Starr P
Worrell G
Little S
Denison T

2022. iScience, 25(4):104028.

Unit Publication
Weerasinghe G
Bogacz R
2022. WO/2022/029445
Unit Publication
West TO
Magill PJ
Sharott A
Litvak V
Farmer SF
Cagnan H

2022. PLoS Comput Biol, 18(3)e1009887.

Unit Publication
Wiest C
Torrecillos F
Tinkhauser G
Pogosyan A
Morgante F
Pereira EA
Tan H

2022. Exp Neurol, 351:113999.

Unit Publication
Lefebvre G
Summerfield C
Bogacz R

2022. Neural Comput, 34(2):307-337.

Unit Publication
Khawaldeh S
Tinkhauser G
Torrecillos F
He S
Foltynie T
Limousin P
Zrinzo L
Oswal A
Quinn AJ
Vidaurre D
Tan H
Litvak V
Kühn AA
Woolrich M
Brown P

2022. Brain, 145(1):237-250.


Unit Publication
Zamora M
Meller S
Kajin F
Sermon JJ
Toth R
Benjaber M
Dijk DJ
Bogacz R
Worrell G
Valentin A
Duchet B
Volk HA
Denison T

2021. Front Neurosci, 15:734265.

Unit Publication
Salvatori T
Song Y
Hong Y
Sha L
Frieder S
Xu Z
Bogacz R
Lukasiewicz T
2021. Adv. Neural Inf. Process Syst., 34:3874-3886.
Unit Publication
Denison T
Rogers DJ
Memarian Sorkhabi M
2021. WO/2021/176219
Unit Publication
Fischer P
He S
Tan H
Brown P
2021. WO/2021/250398
Unit Publication
Arruda BS
Reis C
Sermon JJ
Pogosyan A
Brown P
Cagnan H

2021. J Neuroeng Rehabil, 18(1):179.

Unit Publication
Akkad H
Dupont-Hadwen J
Kane E
Evans C
Barrett L
Frese A
Tetkovic I
Bestmann S
Stagg CJ

2021. eLife, 10:e67355

Unit Publication
Nakamura KC
Sharott A
Tanaka T
Magill PJ

2021. J Neurosci, 41(50):10382-10404.

Unit Publication
van Swieten MMH
Bogacz R
Manohar S

2021. Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci, 21(6):1196-1206.

Unit Publication
Koolschijn RS
Shpektor A
Clarke WT
Dupret D
Emir UE
Barron HC

2021. eLife, 10:e70071

Unit Publication
He S
Deli A
Fischer P
Wiest C
Huang Y
Martin S
Khawaldeh S
Aziz TZ
Green AL
Brown P
Tan H

2021. J Neurosci, 41(40):8390-8402.

Unit Publication
Reis C
Arruda BS
Pogosyan A
Brown P
Cagnan H

2021. Sci Rep, 11(1):17720.