Dr Damian Herz

A photo of Dr Damian Herz giving a presentation at the MRC Unit

Dr Damian Herz

Associate Unit Member

Dr. Herz is a clinician-scientist working primarily with people with Parkinson’s disease who are treated with deep brain stimulation. His main research focus is how decision-making and movement are controlled in the basal ganglia and how this can be modulated through adaptive deep brain stimulation approaches.

Dr. Herz received his M.D. (summa cum laude) at the University of Cologne, Germany, and conducted his Neurology training in Copenhagen, Denmark. He completed a Ph.D. at the University of Copenhagen and conducted two postdoctoral fellowships, supported by the ERC Marie Sklodowska-Curie program and the Danish Independent Research Fund, at the Unit with Professor Peter Brown.

Damian continues to closely collaborate with the MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit.

Selected Publications
Unit Publication
Herz DM
Bange M
Gonzalez-Escamilla G
Auer M
Ashkan K
Fischer P
Tan H
Bogacz R
Muthuraman M
Groppa S
Brown P

2022. Nat Commun, 13(1):7530.

Unit Publication
Herz DM
Little S
Pedrosa D
Tinkhauser G
Cheeran B
Foltynie T
Bogacz R
Brown P
2018. Curr. Biol., 28(8):1169-1178.e6.
Unit Publication
Herz DM
Tan H
Brittain JS
Fischer P
Cheeran B
Green AL
Fitzgerald J
Aziz TZ
Ashkan K
Little S
Foltynie T
Limousin P
Zrinzo L
Bogacz R
Brown P
2017. eLife, 6:e21481
Unit Publication
Herz DM
Zavala B
Bogacz R
Brown P

2016.Curr. Biol., 26(7):916-20.