Gemma Gothard

portrait photo of Gemma Gothard

Gemma Gothard

Post-doctoral Neuroscientist

Gemma completed her BSc in Neuroscience at the University of Leeds, graduating in 2018. In September 2018 she moved to Oxford for the Wellcome Trust 1+3 programme in Neuroscience. She completed her DPhil in Colin Akerman’s lab using a combination of lineage labelling techniques and in vitro/in vivo electrophysiology to investigate how the functional identity of excitatory cortical neurons varies depending on the progenitor pool from which they are derived. Gemma is now working as a Postdoctoral Neuroscientist with Rafal Bogacz and Colin Akerman, and she is interested in experimentally testing predictive coding models of cortical neurons.

Head of Group

Recent Publications

Wright PD
Veale EL
McCoull D
Tickle DC
Large JM
Ococks E
Kettleborough C
Mathie A
Jerman J

2017. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 493(1):444-450.