Dr Jeffrey Stedehouder

Portrait photo of Jeff

Dr Jeffrey Stedehouder

Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellow

Jeffrey holds a BA in Egyptology and a BSc (hons) in Psychology from Leiden University and a MSc (hons) in Neuroscience from Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Jeffrey attained his DPhil in 2019 from the Erasmus University Rotterdam working on the myelination of GABAergic interneurons in health and disease. This research involved a combination of molecular biology, whole-cell patch clamp electrophysiology, histology and microscopy in mouse brains and human acute surgical brain tissue.

He spent short periods training at the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute for Technology, Cambridge, as well as with Prof. Stephanie Cragg at the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics at the University of Oxford, to train in mouse behavioral assessments, in vivo electrophysiology, and approaches to measure monoamines, respectively.

Jeffrey joined the groups of Dr. Andrew Sharott and Prof. Charlotte Stagg at the BNDU in 2022 as a Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellow. His research involves high-density in vivo electrophysiological recordings and optogenetic manipulations to examine motor learning and cognitive functioning, with a particular focus on psychiatric disorders.

Recent Publications

Unit Publication
Roberts BM
Raina S
Bossi S
McGerty K
Parkkinen L
Cragg SJ

2024. Nat Commun, 15(1):10017.

Slotman JA
Pascual-Garcia M
Leyrer ML
Bouwen BL
Dirven CM
Gao Z
Berson DM
Houtsmuller AB
Kushner SA
2019. Elife, 8.
Avagliano Trezza R
Sonzogni M
Bossuyt SNV
Zampeta FI
Punt AM
van den Berg M
Rotaru DC
Koene LMC
Munshi ST
Kros JM
Williams M
Heussler H
de Vrij FMS
Mientjes EJ
van Woerden GM
Kushner SA
Distel B
Elgersma Y
2019. Nat Neurosci, 22(8):1235-1247.
Shpak G
Kushner SA
2018. J Neurosci, 38(15):3631-3642.
Amin N
de Vrij FMS
Baghdadi M
Brouwer RWW
van Rooij JGJ
Jovanova O
Uitterlinden AG
Hofman A
Janssen HLA
Darwish Murad S
Kraaij R
van den Hout MCGN
Kros JM
van IJcken WFJ
Tiemeier H
Kushner SA
van Duijn CM
2018. Mol Psychiatry, 23(5):1120-1126.