Dr Catharina Zich


Dr Catharina Zich

Postdoctoral Scientist

Catharina's research aims to further the understanding of the neural signatures of movement execution and movement imagination to facilitate human motor plasticity.

Catharina's key research method is mobile and high-density electroencephalography (EEG), but she also uses magnetoencephalography (MEG), magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy (f/MRI, fNIRS), and simultaneous EEG-fMRI and EEG-fNIRS recordings. Moreover, she has applied EEG-based neurofeedback, fMRI-based neurofeedback, and non-invasive brain stimulation (tDCS) to modulate neural activity. 

Catharina leads the MEG work within the Stagg Group.

Head of Group

Recent Publications

Unit Publication
Schoenfeld MJ
Thom J
Williams J
Stagg CJ
Zich C

2024. Eur J Neurosci, 59(1):54-68.

Tang CW
Zich C
Quinn AJ
Woolrich M
Hsu SP
Juan CH
Lee IH
Stagg CJ

2024. Brain Commun, 6(1):fcae011.

Nandi T
Johnstone A
Martin E
Zich C
Cooper R
Bestmann S
Bergmann TO
Treeby BE
Stagg CJ

2023. Brain Stimul, 16(2):553-555.

Andrushko JW
Levenstein JM
Zich C
Edmond EC
Campbell J
Clarke WT
Emir UE
Farthing JP
Stagg CJ

2023. Sci Rep, 13(1):6437.

Schoenfeld MJ
Grigoras IF
Stagg CJ
Zich C

2021. Front Hum Neurosci, 15:755748.