A warm welcome to Dr Vitor Lopes dos Santos
A warm welcome to Dr Vitor Lopes dos Santos

We are pleased to welcome Dr Vitor Lopes dos Santos to the Unit. Vitor graduated in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2011, and obtained his Ph.D. in Neuroscience in 2015 at the Brain Institute of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil. Vítor's PhD research was supervised by Prof. Adriano Tort to develop a new framework for the analysis of neuronal assemblies and their temporal dynamics. In 2012, Vítor received a Science Without Borders grant from the Ministry of Education of Brazil to spend a year in the Centre for System Neuroscience of Leicester University, where he developed new methods for extracting information from spike trains under the supervision of Prof. Rodrigo Quian Quiroga. Back in Brazil in 2013, Vitor completed his PhD work on hippocampal network physiology with Prof. Sidarta Ribeiro and Prof. Richardson Leão.
Vitor joined the Unit as an Investigator Scientist in November 2015 to work in the Dupret Group where he will continue to focus on hippocampal cell assembly dynamics and investigate how they coordinate to other areas during learning and memory processes.