Unit shares research with the public at the Science Wonder Garden Party 2024
Unit shares research with the public at the Science Wonder Garden Party 2024

On 13th July, Unit researchers Demi Brizee and Joram van Rheede shared some of the MRC BNDU’s innovative science with the public attending the Science Wonder Garden Party at the University of Oxford Begbroke Science Park. The Garden Party aimed to engage people of all ages with the amazing science taking place around the University of Oxford and beyond.
Brain Waves and Brain Health
Demi, a PhD student at the Unit, took part in the Oxford Sparks Live session and spoke about brain waves and their role in brain function. Demi’s presentation centred on the Unit’s public outreach video "The Symphony of the Brain”, created in partnership with Oxford Sparks, and showcased how brain waves can be recorded and used to understand the brain in health as well as to potentially treat conditions affecting the brain. Demi’s talk was part of a session that featured five other Oxford Sparks videos and researchers, followed by a 'meet the scientist' Q&A session that helped the audience directly engage with the researchers. Demi's talk clearly impressed the audience, with one member of the public enthusing, “This was truly amazing!”
Spotlight on Biomedical Engineering
Joram, a Senior Postdoctoral Neuroscientist at the Unit, took part in the 'Spotlight on Engineering' public engagement talks organised by Oxford’s Department of Engineering Science. Joram’s presentation was focused on the interaction between sleep and deep brain stimulation therapy, highlighting the Unit’s collaborative efforts in this area of research. During his workshop, Joram made good use of creative metaphors to explain his science, encouraging the audience to actively engage with the ideas underpinning his work.
Demi and Joram particularly enjoyed the insightful questions from the audience. The family-friendly environment, live music, food stalls, and good weather all helped to make this a highly successful outreach event.

Rob Key (middle; representing Oxford Sparks) and Demi Brizee (right; representing the MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit) receive the award for Best Film Produced by Universities and Research Institutes.
Photo credit: Manuel Castells Clemente / #LabMeCrazy! International Film Festival

Camille Lasbareilles, Natalie Doig, and The Symphony of the Brain video, co-winners of the Director’s Award for Public Engagement 2023.