Unit Science Day, Winter 2023
Unit Science Day, Winter 2023

Attendees at the MRC BNDU’s Science Day in Winter 2023.
The Unit held its seventeenth Science Day on Friday 15th December 2023. Unpublished work and future research projects were the centre of discussion, and Unit members and visitors eagerly took the opportunity to give the constructive criticism that is needed to foster world-leading collaborative research and innovation.
There were 8 short research talks and 13 poster presentations, most of which were given by the Unit's early-career scientists. Attendees were also treated to two Keynote Lectures: A first by Professor Dora Hermes of the Mayo Clinic Rochester, USA, in which she gave an insightful account of visual and electrical stimulation of human brain circuits; and a second lecture by Professor Kai Miller of the Mayo Clinic Rochester in which he showcased stereo-electroencephalography as a tool to characterise the brain circuits underlying movement as well as to discover novel electrical stimulation strategies for therapy.
Unit Director Professor Peter Magill commented: “A record turnout and a great day. Unit members and our guests were clearly energised by the chance to meet and exchange ideas, and it was exciting to see how the work of the Unit’s researchers and technologists is revealing important new insights into brain function and dysfunction.”