Unit and in2scienceUK deliver STEM placements for local school pupils
Unit and in2scienceUK deliver STEM placements for local school pupils

Over the first two weeks of August, the MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit hosted 5 school pupils enrolled on an innovative work-experience placement scheme that was organised in partnership with the charity in2scienceUK.
The placement scheme hosted at the Unit was a first for Oxford, and was tailored for pupils from local state-funded schools to support their progress into university degrees and careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
During their time in the Unit, the pupils worked alongside Unit scientists and received personalised mentoring to gain a wide variety of practical experiences and learn more about key concepts and challenges in neuroscience and medical research. In a series of integrated workshops with in2scienceUK, the pupils also received guidance on university applications, wider information about STEM careers, and training in transferable skills. The pupils recorded their experiences and progress in blogs and images.
Unit Deputy Director Professor Peter Magill commented “We are delighted with the many successes of this inaugural scheme. Working with our partners at in2scienceUK, we have delivered a range of experiences that set an exciting precedent for high-impact engagement. Over the fortnight of activities, it was inspiring to see the enthusiasm and enjoyment of the pupils, their mentors, and the Unit as a whole.”
Unit Director Professor Peter Brown commented “Engaging local school pupils continues to be a priority for our thriving Outreach Programme, and it has been a real pleasure and privilege for the Unit to take this lead on widening access and participation in STEM.”