Ishani Shah

portrait photo of Ishani

Ishani Shah

Research Assistant

Ishani graduated with an MBiochem in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry from the University of Oxford in 2023. Her Master’s project, conducted in the Vasudevan Lab within the Pharmacology Department, investigated the effect of sleep deprivation and sleep modifying drugs on neurodegenerative physiology. Remaining in Oxford, Ishani continued her research in the Vasudevan Lab as a Research Assistant, contributing to multiple projects. Notably she conducted a drug screen of circadian modulators to identify new signalling targets, and investigated sex-specific differences in regulation of transcription and synaptic phosphorylation.

Ishani’s research interests are focused on sleep and circadian rhythms. In May 2024, she joined the Sharott lab to support ongoing projects utilizing high-density in vivo electrophysiological recordings with deep brain stimulation (DBS) in freely behaving rodents. Her work specifically investigates the impact of DBS on sleep, employing both open and closed-loop neuromodulation strategies.

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