Dr Ana Garcia Aguirre

Portrait photo of Ana Garcia Aguirre

Dr Ana Garcia Aguirre

Visiting Researcher

Ana originally graduated with a B.Sc. in Experimental Neuropsychology from the Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico, before completing an M.Sc. in Behavioural Neuroscience/Animal Learning at Kansas State University, USA, and then a Ph.D. in Behavioural Neuroscience at the University of St. Andrews, UK.

Ana’s particular research interests lie in understanding how brain circuit disorganisation leads to the behavioural and cognitive difficulties that can arise as a result of neuropathology. In 2016, Ana joined the Brain Repair Group at Cardiff University as a Postdoctoral Researcher. Her research in Cardiff focused on investigating the ability of novel cell and gene therapies to alleviate motor and non-motor dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases, primarily Huntington’s disease.

Ana worked as a Postdoctoral Neuroscientist in the Magill Group from 2021 to 2023. Her research at the MRC BNDU was centred on the development and delivery of novel in vivo platforms for drug discovery in Parkinson’s disease, as part of the Unit’s translational research venture with partners at the University of Oxford and in industry. Ana continues to collaborate with the Magill Group.

Head of Group