Jessica Myatt successfully defends her D.Phil. thesis

Jessica Myatt successfully defends her D.Phil. thesis

A photo of Jessica Myatt, Andrew Sharott and Charlotte Stagg.

After the viva voce: A happy D.Phil. candidate with proud supervisors.

Our congratulations go to Unit D.Phil. student Jessica Myatt for successfully defending her doctoral thesis, entitled “Enhancing motor cortical theta and gamma oscillations using closed-loop phase-dependent optogenetic stimulation”, in her viva voce examination on 17th September 2024.

Jessica’s viva examiners were Dr. Ines Violante (King’s College London) and Associate Professor Helen Barron (University of Oxford).

Jessica was supervised in the Unit by Professor Andrew Sharott and Professor Charlotte Stagg.

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After the viva voce: A happy D.Phil. candidate (centre) with satisfied examiners (left and right).

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After the viva voce: A happy D.Phil. candidate (centre) and satisfied examiners (left and right).