
Volunteers needed for ‘Narratives – An MRI study’ [CUREC R43594/RE013]

In our study, we investigate mechanisms of memory and decision making.

The study takes place at FMRIB (near John Radcliffe Hospital) from 9.00 to 16.00 and involves two MRI scanning sessions.

photo of an MRI scanner

MRI is a type of brain scan that allows us to see how the brain is organised, processes information and performs skills like memory. This scan is safe and does not involve any needles or injections.

Throughout the day you will perform several tasks that involve learning visual stimuli.

The day consists of two sessions, before and after a lunch break, each taking a maximum of 3 hours of your time. Each session includes behavioural computer tasks and a an MRI scan. You would be asked to lie still in the scanner and perform some simple tasks like remembering pictures.

Compensation is 15 GBP per hour and there are opportunities throughout the tasks to earn bonus money for correct answers.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Aged 18-35
  • Fluent in English
  • Normal vision, including vision of colour (or corrected to normal)
  • No known neurological conditions
  • MRI compatible (we will go through this on a screening phone call)

If you are interested and would like more information please contact Xenia Grande ( at the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging, John Radcliffe Hospital.

Thank you for your time!